Over 9,000 Babies and Counting Since 1976.
Here Are Some Our IVF Success Stories. Please Enjoy!
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Some of Our Little Bundles of Joy.
Infertility: “I was the one in eight”
Research shows that one in eight couples experience infertility. While I struggled for six long years to have a baby, my friends could sit in a room with their husbands and get pregnant. Obviously, that’s an exaggeration but when you are going…
IVF: Overcoming Ovarian Cancer
In the summer of 1997, after more than a year of unsuccessful pregnancy attempts and repeated treatments for recurring pelvic and bladder infections, my local gynecologist referred my husband and I to a fertility specialist in Augusta…
Determination & IVF Help Dream of Parenthood Come True
Tiny Addison is only 12 weeks old, but it’s clear that she is the center of life in this Georgia household. The tiny red-haired infant looks just like her mother, Melissa, but has the red hair of her grandmother….
Affordable IVF Helps Build New Family
Red and Thomas Barrett had dated all through their years at University of Georgia, and when the couple married in 2003, they were ready to start a family. Just three months after a beautiful wedding at her…
Helping a Family through Egg Donation
Families come in all shapes and sizes, and not all are formed the traditional way. Some are made through adoption, others through blended families. These days, families can also be made through the miracle…
From Empty Arms to Full House
Like many couples who meet and fall in love, Ryan and Holly W. had always dreamed of having their own family. The two had met in college in 1995, but then lost touch. A rekindled friendship eventually turned to romance, and the couple married…