S.I.R.E.’s Medical References
Our infertility clinic has been in existence since 1976. Leading the way in Assisted Reproduction in the Southeast, we started performing Intra-Uterine-Insemination ( IUI ) in 1978 and In-vitro Fertilization ( IVF ) in 1986. The center is still privately owned by physicians and not owned by a large corporation, a rare situation in this day and time.
Ref. The changing world of IVF: Journal of Assisted Reproduction and Genetics. : https://doi.org/10.1007/s10815-022-02399-y
Our Reproductive Laboratory was created in the early 1980s. Its ownership was transferred to the Medical College of Georgia ( Augusta University ) in the year 2000.
2. The first intrauterine insemination ( IUI ) in the United States.
- Black J. B., Peduto J. C., & Servy, E. J. ( March 29 – April 1, 1978 ) Male Factor Infertility treated by Isolation of Progressively Motile Sperm. Presented at the 34th annual Meeting of the American Fertility Society. New Orleans, Louisiana
- Servy E. J., McCranie W., & Black J. B. ( Feb. 23 – 26, 1982 ) Results of a Self-Limited Experience in Insemination after Separation of “ X ” and “ Y ” Spermatozoa for Sex Preselection. Presented at the 7th annual Meeting of the American Society of Andrology. Hilton Head, South Carolina.
- Servy E. J., & Scholer J. ( Sept. 9, 1984 ) A New Look at Intrauterine Insemination. Presented at the International IVF – Andrology Meeting. Kiawah Island, South Carolina.
- Kirsch S. P., Scholer J., & Servy E. J. ( Sept. 28 – Oct. 2, 1985 ) Intrauterine Insemination in Infertility Practice. Presented at the 41st American Fertility Society Meeting. Chicago, Illinois.
3. The first in vitro fertilization (IVF) embryo transfer at the blastocyst stage in the United States.
- Kaufmann R., Nicolet B., Menezo Y., & Servy E. J. ( Oct. 1993 ) Co-Culture and Transfer of Human Early-Stage Pre-embryos Improves Pregnancy Outcomes. Presented at the 49th annual Meeting of the American. Fertility Society. Montreal, Canada.
- Menezo Y., Kaufmann R., & Servy E. J. ( Oct. 1993 ) Atlas of the Human Blastocyst. Presented at the 49th annual Meeting of the American Fertility Society. Montreal, Canada.
- Menezo Y., Dumont M., Servy E. J., Nicolet B., and Hazout A. ( June 1994 ) Freezing Human Blastocysts. Presented at the annual meeting of the European Society for Human Reproduction and Embryology ( ESHRE ). Brussels, Belgium.
- Menezo Y., Dumont M., Hazout A., Nicolet B., & Servy E. J. ( April 22, 1994 ) In-vitro Blastocyst Formation in Human Freezing Co-Culture. Presented at the W.H.O. Symposium on Advances in Biological Techniques for Infertility. Rome, Italy.
- Menezo Y., Servy E. J., Kaufmann R., Nicolet B., & Hazout A. ( Nov. 1994 ) Co-Cultures Blastocyst.Cryopreservation: A Three-Year Experience. Presented at the 50th annual Meeting of the American Fertility Society. San Antonio, Texas.
- Kaufmann R., Servy E. J., & Menezo Y. ( 1994 ) The Use of Blastocysts and Co-Culture in Advanced Reproductive Technologies – Assisted Reproductive Technologies. Assisted Reproductive Review, vol. 4, p. 192–197
4. The first live birth in the United States after cryopreservation at the blastocyst stage.
- Kaufmann R., Menezo , Hazout A., Nicolet B., Dumont M., & Servy, E. J. ( 1995 ) Co-Cultured Blastocyst Cryopreservation: A Three-Year Experience. Fertility and Sterility, vol. 64, p. 1125 – 1129.
- Menezo Y., Kaufmann R., Nicolet B., Gilchrist F., Liu Z., & Servy, E. J. ( Nov. 2 – 6, 1996 ) Efficiency of a Simplified Thawing Protocol for Human Co-Cultured Blastocysts. Presented at the 52nd Annual Meeting of the American Society for Reproductive Medicine. Boston, Massachusetts.
- Servy, E. J., ( Dec. 6 – 7, 1996 ) I. Evolution of Assisted Reproductive Technologies. Co-Cultured Blastocysts and Cryopreservation. 3. Clinical Factors Influencing Success in Assisted Reproductive Technologies. Post-Graduate Course in Assisted Reproductive Techniques. Istanbul, Turkey.
5. The first live birth in the world after cryopreservation at the blastocyst stage following intracytoplasmic sperm injection ( ICSI ).
- Liu Z., Menezo Y., Kaufmann R., Gilchrist F., & Servy E. J. ( 1997 ) Pregnancy after Cryopreservation of Co-Cultured Human Blastocysts Fertilized by Intra-cytoplasmic Sperm Injection. Theriogenology, vol. 47, p. 251.
- Keskintepe L., Menezo Y., Kaufmann R., Gilchrist F., & Servy E. J. ( May 24 – 28, 1997 ) Live Offspring After Cryopreservation of Co-Cultured Human Blastocysts Fertilized by ICSI. Presented at the 10th World Congress on IVF and Assisted Reproduction. Vancouver, Canada
- Servy E. J., Kaufmann R., Liu Z., Menezo Y., & Keskintepe L. ( 1998 ) Human Pregnancies After Transfer of Fresh Versus Frozen-Thawed Blastocysts Resulting from Intra-cytoplasmic Sperm Injection. Journal of Assisted Reproduction and Genetics, vol. 15, num. 7, p. 422 – 426.
6. S.I.R.E. shares our extensive knowledge in Blastocyst – Culture, and Cryopreservation with the embryologists from many IVF programs. Participants came from many United States programs, but also from Europe, Asia, and South America.
- The Human Blastocyst – Culture Conditions and Cryopreservation Hands-On Workshop. April 24 – 25, 1999. Augusta, GA.
- The Human Blastocyst – Culture Conditions and Cryopreservation Hands-On Workshop. March 25 – 26, 2000. Augusta, GA.
- The Human Blastocyst – Culture Conditions and Cryopreservation Hands-On Workshop. March 24 – 25, 2001. Augusta, GA.
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