Archive 3
First steps toward In Vitro Fertilization in America
Chapter 2 in Dr. Servy’s book “I was taught the way of progress is neither swift or easy… One never notices what has been done; one can only see what remains to be done.”  Marie Curie – 1903 Nobel Prize in Physics and 1911 Nobel Prize in Chemistry, in recognition
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First IUI in Augusta
Here is a sneak peak into Dr. Servy’s new book. Chapter 1 First Intra Uterine Insemination Worldwide “Don’t judge each day by the harvest you reap but by the seeds that you plant.” Robert Louis Stevenson Intra Uterine insemination (IUI) is the most common procedure performed worldwide in Assisted Reproduction.
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Intra-Uterine Insemination (IUI)
Intra-Uterine Insemination (IUI) By Dr. Edouard Servy|October 8th, 2014 IUI is the most commonly performed procedure in Assisted Reproduction. It was great to be a part of history in making it the modern procedure it is today. First, let’s review why IUI would be necessary. The cervical mucus is a
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Male Infertility – A Common Side Effect of Testosterone or Steroid Treatments
Male Infertility – A Common Side Effect of Testosterone or Steroid Treatments By Dr. Edouard Servy|January 21st, 2019 When seeing a new infertile couple, semen analysis is one of the first tests we request. For the last few years, I have found an amazing number of male patients with azoospermia
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Hysteropexy or Uterine Suspension: An Old Technique Good as New
By Dr. Edouard Servy September 21st, 2016 A useful accessory to reproductive surgery that corrects a uterine abnormality Although it is generally advocated in old surgical textbooks, hysteropexy (uterine suspension) has been downplayed or ignored by modern surgeons. During my 40-year surgical career, following such a simple procedure I have
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Methods to Enhance Embryo Implantation
Methods to Enhance Embryo Implantation By Dr. Edouard Servy|March 7th, 2021 First of all, it must be stated that at least 50% of embryos are abnormal. Therefore, most of the failures of implantation, biochemical pregnancies or early miscarriages are due to the fact that the embryos, despite looking normal under
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Coronavirus (COVID-19) Update for Servy Institute for Reproductive Endocrinology Patients
We want our patients to feel confident that we are closely monitoring all developments and adhering to recommendations from the Centers for Disease Control & Prevention (CDC), the World Health Organization (WHO), local and state health agencies, as well as our industry’s governing body the American Society for Reproductive Medicine
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